12. Militarization and Nuclearization of Space
"Space has become the 4th medium in which the military operates in the protection of our national security interests’’ . General Howell J. Estes III (ex Commander in Chief of US Space Command). Recently Mike Pence , the US vice president, has announced plans to create a standalone “Space Force” by 2020, becoming the sixth branch of America's military. And president Donald Trump directed the military officials to complete the project of creating a "Space Force" by 2020. Similarly, “We must establish and maintain space superiority. Modern warfare demands it. Our nation expects it. Simply put, it’s the American way of fighting". General Lance Lord, commander of U.S. Air Force Space Command. And “Space superiority provides freedom to attack as well as freedom from attack.” Counter-space Operations, Air Force Doctrine 2-2.1. US Space Command’s "Vision 2020" sets out two principles: ⦁ Dominating the space dimension of military operations to pr...